
26 11, 2024

How to remain a step ahead of the LinkedIn algorithm

By |2024-11-26T08:50:39+11:00November 26, 2024|Blog|Comments Off on How to remain a step ahead of the LinkedIn algorithm

I’m often asked by clients how they can make sure their content gets seen but also gets the traction and engagement it so richly deserves. In short, how do they stay in sync with—or even ahead of—the LinkedIn algorithm? Now, I’m not going to dive into the nitty-gritty technical details of how the algorithm works (that's a whole other conversation). Instead, I'll focus on the practical steps you, the professional, CEO, or business owner, can take to ensure you're getting the best possible results from your content. Here are my top TWELVE recommendations to get you >>

20 08, 2024

Why law firm bosses must lead by example on LinkedIn

By |2024-08-22T09:43:38+10:00August 20, 2024|Blog|Comments Off on Why law firm bosses must lead by example on LinkedIn

Did you know that organisation-wide engagement on platforms such as LinkedIn is not only critical to elevating your firm’s visibility and reputation but vital to building morale, attracting top talent and bringing in new clients? When your employees get behind creating or sharing content related to their work and your company’s successes, it generates a powerful ripple effect, significantly amplifying the reach of your organisation’s message. Basically, this collective effort ensures your company’s story reaches a much bigger audience than ordinarily would be the case. But how do bosses from more traditional settings such as law firms (where staff >>

18 06, 2024

LinkedIn do’s and don’ts for lawyers … in fact all professionals

By |2024-06-18T05:30:23+10:00June 18, 2024|Blog|Comments Off on LinkedIn do’s and don’ts for lawyers … in fact all professionals

LinkedIn is without a doubt the go-to platform for lawyers looking to showcase their expertise, expand their professional reach, participate in conversations about legal industry trends but more importantly ... attract potential clients. However, effectively dipping into the power of LinkedIn requires more than just creating a profile and connecting with a few colleagues and friends – then just setting and forgetting. It demands a strategic approach that not only demonstrates your professionalism but shows off your authenticity (aka the real person behind your brand). Here are my top do’s and don’ts when it comes to lawyers getting active >>

26 03, 2024

How to maximise the FEATURED section of your LinkedIn profile

By |2024-03-26T06:29:40+11:00March 26, 2024|Blog|Comments Off on How to maximise the FEATURED section of your LinkedIn profile

I am a huge fan of the Featured section which was introduced to LinkedIn Profiles in 2020. What I particularly love about the section is that it allows you the CEO, entrepreneur, consultant or professional to showcase samples of your work to people viewing your LinkedIn profile – particularly samples that visually highlight or reinforce your expertise or the business you are in. Also, unlike content on the activity section of your personal LinkedIn profile (which only highlights content from the past 45 days) content on your featured section remains there until such time that you decide to update >>

5 03, 2024

How to take the broom to your personal LinkedIn profile in 2024

By |2024-03-05T05:52:25+11:00March 5, 2024|Blog|Comments Off on How to take the broom to your personal LinkedIn profile in 2024

Regardless of whether you’re a CEO, business owner, consultant or professional, the start of the year is a wonderful opportunity to review and revitalise your personal LinkedIn profile and ensure it presents you in the best possible light and is easy to find should a potential client or business partner come looking. Here are my top tips to ensure you are effectively optimised for 2024. These ideas are relevant regardless of the sector you are in. Tip 1 – Your profile picture matters. First impressions count! A professionally taken photo will increase your profile views while a clear and >>

6 02, 2024

Top LinkedIn trends to be aware of in 2024

By |2024-02-06T07:40:17+11:00February 6, 2024|Blog|Comments Off on Top LinkedIn trends to be aware of in 2024

LinkedIn has and continues to establish itself as the ultimate platform for CEOs, business owners, consultants and professionals. Given that it’s difficult keeping up with every change or trend on the platform, I will give you the top 5 insights you should consider weaving into your daily or weekly LinkedIn activity or practices. Create more authentic content. With the massive uptick in AI-generated material, expect to see a growing demand for genuine content that enables authentic human interaction. So rather than always handing over to generative AI to develop that ‘polished gem’ on your behalf, focus instead on sharing >>

5 12, 2023

Hottest B-B communications trends in 2024

By |2023-12-05T07:13:10+11:00December 5, 2023|Blog|Comments Off on Hottest B-B communications trends in 2024

Top communications' trends for 2024 The world of public relations and communications is more dynamic  than ever before. The past year alone has witnessed the entry of many new and fresh approaches to the way we connect and converse, the kinds of stories we share, how we deal with the media and why we need to better manage risk. So, what can organisations and individuals in the business-to-business arena anticipate this year! (These are a compilation of what Parker Public Relations is witnessing first-hand and what other PR pundits around the world are saying.) A humanised and >>

26 09, 2023

Is LinkedIn a worthwhile investment for law firms?

By |2023-09-26T07:11:22+10:00September 26, 2023|Blog|Comments Off on Is LinkedIn a worthwhile investment for law firms?

It is and has become even more so post-Covid. Despite initial push-back, law firms are now beginning to embrace LinkedIn with much greater gusto. We’re not only seeing these firms creating more compelling and dare I say, digestible, content but we’re also seeing them actively encouraging their lawyers to roll up their sleeves and get involved. They’re rapidly cottoning on to the fact that LinkedIn is vital to building visibility and connecting with clients but also to driving revenue and supporting the overall growth of the company. And why LinkedIn you may ask? For starters it is the world's >>

8 08, 2023

How to incorporate storytelling in your personal branding and social media

By |2023-08-09T08:43:30+10:00August 8, 2023|Blog|Comments Off on How to incorporate storytelling in your personal branding and social media

I’m often asked by CEOs, executives and academics attending my workshops how they should include storytelling in their personal branding and social media so figured it was high time I got around to doing this question justice. Firstly, let’s deal with the WHY of storytelling. People relate to stories. We have since the beginning of all time. Stories allow us to connect and engage with people at a deeper and more emotional level and in the process build trust. Another great thing about stories is that people remember them. Often, they’ll remember a story ahead of the actual detail >>

23 05, 2023

Why CEOs should be on social media

By |2023-05-23T07:40:44+10:00May 23, 2023|Blog|Comments Off on Why CEOs should be on social media

But hang on, isn’t that the job of the public relations and marketing team, is the typical response I get from CEOs when I query why they’re not active on social media? The other top responses to my pesky question: I could end up saying something I shouldn’t. What if an unhappy customer uses my posts to voice their dissatisfaction with the organisation. I’ve got too much on my plate I’m way too tired to even be bothered… I fully understand this logic and reasoning but sadly the world has changed and so have the expectations of our leaders. >>

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