
2611, 2024

How to remain a step ahead of the LinkedIn algorithm

By |November 26, 2024|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on How to remain a step ahead of the LinkedIn algorithm

I’m often asked by clients how they can make sure their content gets seen but also gets the traction and engagement it so richly deserves. In short, how do they stay in sync with—or even ahead of—the LinkedIn algorithm? Now, I’m not going to dive into the nitty-gritty technical details of how the algorithm works (that's a whole other conversation). Instead, I'll focus on the practical steps you, the professional, CEO, or business owner, can take to ensure you're getting the best possible results from your content. Here are my top TWELVE recommendations to get you >>

2008, 2024

Why law firm bosses must lead by example on LinkedIn

By |August 20, 2024|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Why law firm bosses must lead by example on LinkedIn

Did you know that organisation-wide engagement on platforms such as LinkedIn is not only critical to elevating your firm’s visibility and reputation but vital to building morale, attracting top talent and bringing in new clients? When your employees get behind creating or sharing content related to their work and your company’s successes, it generates a powerful ripple effect, significantly amplifying the reach of your organisation’s message. Basically, this collective effort ensures your company’s story reaches a much bigger audience than ordinarily would be the case. But how do bosses from more traditional settings such as law firms (where staff >>

1806, 2024

LinkedIn do’s and don’ts for lawyers … in fact all professionals

By |June 18, 2024|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on LinkedIn do’s and don’ts for lawyers … in fact all professionals

LinkedIn is without a doubt the go-to platform for lawyers looking to showcase their expertise, expand their professional reach, participate in conversations about legal industry trends but more importantly ... attract potential clients. However, effectively dipping into the power of LinkedIn requires more than just creating a profile and connecting with a few colleagues and friends – then just setting and forgetting. It demands a strategic approach that not only demonstrates your professionalism but shows off your authenticity (aka the real person behind your brand). Here are my top do’s and don’ts when it comes to lawyers getting active >>

2603, 2024

How to maximise the FEATURED section of your LinkedIn profile

By |March 26, 2024|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on How to maximise the FEATURED section of your LinkedIn profile

I am a huge fan of the Featured section which was introduced to LinkedIn Profiles in 2020. What I particularly love about the section is that it allows you the CEO, entrepreneur, consultant or professional to showcase samples of your work to people viewing your LinkedIn profile – particularly samples that visually highlight or reinforce your expertise or the business you are in. Also, unlike content on the activity section of your personal LinkedIn profile (which only highlights content from the past 45 days) content on your featured section remains there until such time that you decide to update >>

503, 2024

How to take the broom to your personal LinkedIn profile in 2024

By |March 5, 2024|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on How to take the broom to your personal LinkedIn profile in 2024

Regardless of whether you’re a CEO, business owner, consultant or professional, the start of the year is a wonderful opportunity to review and revitalise your personal LinkedIn profile and ensure it presents you in the best possible light and is easy to find should a potential client or business partner come looking. Here are my top tips to ensure you are effectively optimised for 2024. These ideas are relevant regardless of the sector you are in. Tip 1 – Your profile picture matters. First impressions count! A professionally taken photo will increase your profile views while a clear and >>

602, 2024

Top LinkedIn trends to be aware of in 2024

By |February 6, 2024|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Top LinkedIn trends to be aware of in 2024

LinkedIn has and continues to establish itself as the ultimate platform for CEOs, business owners, consultants and professionals. Given that it’s difficult keeping up with every change or trend on the platform, I will give you the top 5 insights you should consider weaving into your daily or weekly LinkedIn activity or practices. Create more authentic content. With the massive uptick in AI-generated material, expect to see a growing demand for genuine content that enables authentic human interaction. So rather than always handing over to generative AI to develop that ‘polished gem’ on your behalf, focus instead on sharing >>

512, 2023

Hottest B-B communications trends in 2024

By |December 5, 2023|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Hottest B-B communications trends in 2024

Top communications' trends for 2024 The world of public relations and communications is more dynamic  than ever before. The past year alone has witnessed the entry of many new and fresh approaches to the way we connect and converse, the kinds of stories we share, how we deal with the media and why we need to better manage risk. So, what can organisations and individuals in the business-to-business arena anticipate this year! (These are a compilation of what Parker Public Relations is witnessing first-hand and what other PR pundits around the world are saying.) A humanised and >>

2609, 2023

Is LinkedIn a worthwhile investment for law firms?

By |September 26, 2023|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Is LinkedIn a worthwhile investment for law firms?

It is and has become even more so post-Covid. Despite initial push-back, law firms are now beginning to embrace LinkedIn with much greater gusto. We’re not only seeing these firms creating more compelling and dare I say, digestible, content but we’re also seeing them actively encouraging their lawyers to roll up their sleeves and get involved. They’re rapidly cottoning on to the fact that LinkedIn is vital to building visibility and connecting with clients but also to driving revenue and supporting the overall growth of the company. And why LinkedIn you may ask? For starters it is the world's >>

808, 2023

How to incorporate storytelling in your personal branding and social media

By |August 8, 2023|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on How to incorporate storytelling in your personal branding and social media

I’m often asked by CEOs, executives and academics attending my workshops how they should include storytelling in their personal branding and social media so figured it was high time I got around to doing this question justice. Firstly, let’s deal with the WHY of storytelling. People relate to stories. We have since the beginning of all time. Stories allow us to connect and engage with people at a deeper and more emotional level and in the process build trust. Another great thing about stories is that people remember them. Often, they’ll remember a story ahead of the actual detail >>

2305, 2023

Why CEOs should be on social media

By |May 23, 2023|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Why CEOs should be on social media

But hang on, isn’t that the job of the public relations and marketing team, is the typical response I get from CEOs when I query why they’re not active on social media? The other top responses to my pesky question: I could end up saying something I shouldn’t. What if an unhappy customer uses my posts to voice their dissatisfaction with the organisation. I’ve got too much on my plate I’m way too tired to even be bothered… I fully understand this logic and reasoning but sadly the world has changed and so have the expectations of our leaders. >>

205, 2023

Should you as a researcher or scientist bother with building your personal brand?

By |May 2, 2023|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Should you as a researcher or scientist bother with building your personal brand?

Surely, you’d be better off beavering away in your laboratory, hunched over your computer, heading off on another field trip or pressing ahead with that thesis? Fraid not! The world has changed and so have the expectations of modern-day researchers and scientists. Now that you’re increasingly expected to demonstrate the ‘impact’ of your research beyond academia, comes the pressing need to communicate and engage with those critical to the future success of your work … as well as those likely to benefit from the big outcomes of your work. Here I’m talking about potential industry partners, fellow collaborators, funding >>

2102, 2023

Why personal branding matters to executives and why their employers should cheer them on!

By |February 21, 2023|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Why personal branding matters to executives and why their employers should cheer them on!

Why personal branding matters to executives ... and why their employers should support their efforts. Personal branding has long been the chosen weapon in the communications’ arsenal of entrepreneurs, speakers, authors, influencers and entrepreneurs. Although a tad late to the party, executives and the C-suite are now beginning to harness the power that personal branding provides. They’re cottoning on the fact that it is one of the best mechanisms for positioning themselves as visible and credible experts … and that this is not only good for climbing the corporate ladder but more importantly, bringing in new business! >>

2401, 2023

Top PR and communications trends for 2023

By |January 24, 2023|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Top PR and communications trends for 2023

What are the top PR and communications trends for 2023? Making public relations and communications predictions can seem a pointless exercise in our current rather topsy turvy world … but I’m going to have a stab anyway. While 2023 will continue to be unpredictable, here are some of the key trends you can anticipate this year. (These are a compilation of what Parker Public Relations is witnessing first-hand and what other PR pundits around the world are saying.) A more humanized approach to communication This is a trend which emerged during lockdown and continues to grow apace. >>

2211, 2022

What makes a business book truly great?

By |November 22, 2022|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on What makes a business book truly great?

What gives YOU the author the confidence, conviction and certainty that you have written a fabulous business book that you should be proud of and excited to share with your clients, colleagues and friends. What does a great book actually look like? This question was uppermost as I worked my way through a bundle of wonderful books as a judge for this year’s Australian Business Book Awards. (Yep, that’s me on my beanbag, in my ‘girl cave’, yellow highlighter in hand and looking oh so studious!) What is it that separates a great book from something that is mediocre? >>

2709, 2022

Should I keep my executive brand separate from my brand as an influencer?

By |September 27, 2022|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Should I keep my executive brand separate from my brand as an influencer?

Should you separate your executive brand from your brand as an influencer? I already have strong recognition as an influencer in the positive body image space on Facebook, Instagram and elsewhere. Should I combine this with my executive brand as change management professional on LinkedIn? I was asked this question at a recent personal branding workshop I ran for Executive MBA students at RMIT. (I’ll refer to the person asking the question as Jennifer.) And my response to Jennifer’s question: keep your brands separate but DO provide some overlap and connectivity between the two. We now live >>

609, 2022

Just how personal should you get on LinkedIn?

By |September 6, 2022|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Just how personal should you get on LinkedIn?

Isn’t LinkedIn meant to be a professional platform designed for building personal connections with business associates? Is there really a place on the platform for talking about your overseas holiday, that you're a coach for your son's footy team or how a traumatic incident has impacted you? Surely that type of content is strictly reserved for Facebook and other social sites? Sorry folks, like it or not the world has changed and so has LinkedIn and we’re increasingly seeing more and more people providing their connections with insights into their personal lives. But is that REALLY OK, I hear >>

1608, 2022

How to strengthen your personal brand on LinkedIn in 2022

By |August 16, 2022|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on How to strengthen your personal brand on LinkedIn in 2022

How to strengthen your personal brand on LinkedIn in 2022. You know that personal branding matters. The more people know, like and trust you, the more likely they are to engage and consider doing business with you or using your services. The psychology behind it is simple: people do business with people, not brands. And given that LinkedIn is a powerful platform full of opportunities and professional decision-makers this is easily the best place to start building your brand. But how do you ensure that when people come looking that what they find >>

706, 2022

Corporate Australia’s greatest untapped LinkedIn resource

By |June 7, 2022|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Corporate Australia’s greatest untapped LinkedIn resource

Your public relations department is producing stand-out content for your company’s LinkedIn page and your CEO is doing an excellent job engaging with staff and key stakeholders and sharing this content via his or her personal LinkedIn page … but what about the rest of your employees? How are they using LinkedIn? What are they doing to contribute to the overall visibility of your company’s brand, drive sales and attract talent to your organisation? Sadly not much. So, what can corporates  (in fact organisations of all sizes) do to turn the tide and make their >>

1705, 2022

Why Personal Branding Matters

By |May 17, 2022|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Why Personal Branding Matters

Politicians understand the importance of powerful personal branding and how it is key to getting elected. You’ve never met Scott Morrison or Anthony Albanese and yet come Saturday you’ll be prepared to vote one of them into the country’s key leadership position. Why is that? They’re brilliant at personal branding (albeit with the help of their PR and marketing staff). Although you’ve never formally shaken hands with them, you feel like you know them – what they stand for, what they’re passionate about, their strengths and weaknesses and the kinds of backgrounds come >>

2202, 2022

Top Tips for Landing Publicity in 2022

By |February 22, 2022|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Top Tips for Landing Publicity in 2022

Top tips for landing publicity in 2022 What will it take to successfully secure publicity or media coverage in the upcoming year? What are the things that will improve the odds of your story getting a run and what could have the media running in the opposite direction? The following article was drawn from the findings of Medianet’s 2022 Australian Media Landscape survey report as well as Parker Public Relations’ deep understanding of how the media landscape operates. (Conducted between October and November last year, Medianet’s study is designed to provide insights into >>

102, 2022

Key public relations trends for 2022

By |February 1, 2022|Categories: Blog, Business Book Coaching, Public Relations, Publicity, Social Media|Comments Off on Key public relations trends for 2022

After the two years we’d all prefer to forget … what does 2022 have in store for us on the PR and communications’ front? What is on the horizon? What’s working, what’s not and how can we improve on what we are doing right now? This is what PR pundits from around the world are saying and what Parker Public Relations is witnessing first-hand. Critical focus on building a strong brand We will see many more businesses and organisations focussing on telling their story, revealing their personality, showcasing the people ‘behind their brand’ and articulating where they >>

1611, 2021

Thinkers, thought leaders and change-makers

By |November 16, 2021|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Thinkers, thought leaders and change-makers

Welcome to the first instalment of THINKERS, THOUGHT LEADERS AND CHANGE-MAKERS. This series is dedicated to those amazing individuals who are changing minds, challenging norms and inspiring people with their innovative and forward-thinking ideas. In our very first program we are speaking with property industry powerhouse Robert Pradolin who is using his deep experience, vast networks and out of the box thinking to tackle the chronic shortage of low income housing in Australia. This shortage of housing is one of key drivers of homelessness in Australia. Sick of waiting for governments to act, Robert has founded commercial not for profit, >>

510, 2021

How to develop cracker curated content … and preserve your status as an authority or expert

By |October 5, 2021|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on How to develop cracker curated content … and preserve your status as an authority or expert

For those of you who manage a blog or post frequently on social media, you’ll understand the challenge of constantly coming up with the right content. One brilliant way of addressing the problem is content curation - that is the art of handpicking interesting and relevant content created by OTHERS and sharing it with your audience and connections on social media and elsewhere. Typically you would have unearthed this content by monitoring the web using services such as Google Alerts, Feedly, BuzzSumo and Medium or by keeping a look-out for relevant content in the mainstream media, industry publications, newsletters, >>

1309, 2021

Key rules for writing a compelling thought leadership article

By |September 13, 2021|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Key rules for writing a compelling thought leadership article I’m often asked by professionals, consultants and business owners attending my personal branding workshops if they should even bother with writing a thought leadership article. Isn’t it all a bit old hat especially with the popularity of video, podcast and live-streaming? Are people really going to wade through a lengthy article and see it through to the end? Yes they are, particularly if they are potential customers keen to check out if you are indeed an expert in your field and whether or not you have the smarts and experience to address and resolve their pain-points and difficulties. >>

1708, 2021

Why Thought Leadership Matters webinar

By |August 17, 2021|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Why Thought Leadership Matters webinar

Happy to announce that my webinar, ‘WHY THOUGHT LEADERSHIP MATTERS’ is now available on my YouTube channel. It is directed at business owners, consultants, subject experts and academics looking to build their visibility and credibility with their clients, communities and stakeholders vital to their future success. In the webinar, I tackle the FIVE key steps critical to getting you started on your thought leadership journey. Get clear on your target audience. Who are you trying to sell to or influence? Research your target audience and pay special attention to their challenges and concerns. Having this vital information >>

2707, 2021

Top ten rules for pitching to the media

By |July 27, 2021|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Top ten rules for pitching to the media

Pitching your story to the media can be a daunting undertaking. However there are certain things you can do to dramatically improve your chances of success. Here are my top ten rules for ensuring your story gets noticed (or clocked) by media, increasing the likelihood of it getting the coverage it richly deserves. Tip 1 – Get active on social media prior to reaching out If you are planning to secure media coverage, do get active on social media beforehand and make sure you connect with journalists relevant to your target market. Given that Twitter is primarily where journalists >>

1907, 2021

Crafting a personal LinkedIn profile that positions you as a credible expert

By |July 19, 2021|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Crafting a personal LinkedIn profile that positions you as a credible expert

Happy to announce that my latest guide, ‘Crafting a personal LinkedIn profile that positions you powerfully … and sells you effectively’ is now available for you to download. The guide is targeted at business owners, consultants and subject experts (responsible for growing their legal, accounting and personal services’ practices) who use their personal LinkedIn profile to grow their visibility and credibility in order to attract new clients. It addresses the top TWELVE rules for getting it right: RULE  1 – View your profile through the eyes of your customer Is it ticking all the boxes from their perspective? Does >>

507, 2021

Why publicity continues to reign supreme in 2021

By |July 5, 2021|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Why publicity continues to reign supreme in 2021

With the amount of content available on-line, is it truly worth my while chasing publicity? In a word, YES. It gives you what social media, blogs and advertising don’t – that all important third party endorsement. Sure … you can that from customers providing endorsements or from positive comments on your social media. However what media coverage does it elevate that third party endorsement to a whole new level. It flags to your audiences that journalists not only have a high regard for you and for your organisation but they believe what you have to say is truly worthy >>

1005, 2021

Key ingredients for developing your personal branding strategy

By |May 10, 2021|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Key ingredients for developing your personal branding strategy

You know that being the recognised authority or thought leader in your industry or field builds your credibility with your customer base and community, differentiates you from your competitors, commands respect from your industry peers … and helps you stand out in a crowded marketplace. You also know that being a proven expert gets the attention of the media, opens up opportunities to headline a conference or be speaker and makes you more likely to be invited to join boards or commissions of inquiry. You also know that being the reliable and trustworthy expert puts you in a powerful >>

2303, 2021

How to nail your personal LinkedIn profile

By |March 23, 2021|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on How to nail your personal LinkedIn profile

Given that LinkedIn is where professionals hang-out (and given that a very significant proportion of these professionals are decision-makers) this is a logical place for business owners, consultants and the C-suite to begin building their personal brand and growing their authority. But where do you start? What’s involved? First things first. Get your personal LinkedIn profile right. I can’t believe how many people don’t … and these are often people who are responsible for bringing in new business or growing their consultancies and practices. In many instances their profiles read like dull, dreary resumes and don’t give anyone an >>

903, 2021

Why you need a personal brand!

By |March 9, 2021|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Why you need a personal brand!

Why should I bother with personal branding and thought leadership is a question often tossed my way by business owners, consultants and C-suite executives (particularly those responsible for growing their consultancies or practices)? Isn’t it all a bit insincere, inauthentic and somewhat shallow. If done well it is anything but. It will quickly and effectively position you as an authority in your industry or field, elevate your credibility with your customer base and differentiate you from your competitors. Let’s face it … when it comes to choosing who to do business with, clients are more likely to choose recognised >>

202, 2021

Top public relations trends for 2021

By |February 2, 2021|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Top public relations trends for 2021

In the world of public relations and elsewhere, 2020 has been a year like no other. Even the Macquarie Dictionary has been at a loss for words to describe it. If we could wipe it off the calendar and start again, most of us probably would. But like it or not, what the pandemic has brought about are some significant trends in communications and public relations which are likely to remain with us for some time … if not ongoing. Communicating with compassion Given the emotional roller coaster of a year we’ve just had and  given that COVID-19 isn’t going away >>

2711, 2020

Cherry-picking the best tactics for growing your authority and thought leadership

By |November 27, 2020|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Cherry-picking the best tactics for growing your authority and thought leadership

Selecting the right communications channels and tactics for sharing your knowledge and expertise continues to be a vexing problem for CEOs, innovators and entrepreneurs looking to build their authority or thought leadership … and truly stand out in a crowded marketplace. Too many succumb to the age-old problem of either having too many channels or using too many tactics and not picking the ones their customers or community are most likely to consume. Where to start … In addition to your website (which should be chock-a-block with really useful content and include an email list), you should in order >>

1711, 2020

Top tips for getting clarity on your expert niche

By |November 17, 2020|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Top tips for getting clarity on your expert niche

Defining your expert niche or ‘zone of genius’ is easily the biggest challenge facing CEOs, business owners, entrepreneurs and pretty much anyone looking to build their authority or thought leadership. While most of you will have a pretty good idea of what your niche should be, given that it is usually dictated by the business or field you are in, here are a few prompts for those of you who don’t quite have a handle on what it should be. (Defining your niche will be key discussion point during Week 1 of the Build Your Authority in Six Weeks >>

1011, 2020

Build your authority in just six weeks!

By |November 10, 2020|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Build your authority in just six weeks!

As we begin emerging from a difficult and painful period in lockdown, now is the time to reboot your business and truly stand out in a noisy marketplace. Establishing yourself as a powerful authority is hands’ down the best approach to differentiating yourself from your competitors, building credibility with your customer base … and accelerating business growth. Parker Public Relations has developed a highly effective six-week webinar series which is designed to elevate your authority - both on and offline. In our six week challenge you will: Map out your thought leadership strategy and action plan. Develop your personal >>

2010, 2020

Parker Public Relations contributes to success of prestigious community awards

By |October 20, 2020|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Parker Public Relations contributes to success of prestigious community awards

Parker Public Relations has played a major role in helping leading environmental group, Keep Victoria Beautiful (KVB), deliver its prestigious Sustainable Communities – Tidy Towns Awards in what has been an extremely challenging year. Not only did we provide KVB with clarity and direction around what exactly it was delivering but we dramatically ramped up the number and geographic spread of entries. Rather than a concentration of entries from a handful of areas, entries have come from across the entire state. In addition Parker Public Relations dramatically increased the amount of publicity on previous years, securing coverage in local and regional >>

610, 2020

What the media wants

By |October 6, 2020|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on What the media wants

Despite the continued shedding of jobs and closure of media outlets (exacerbated with COVID-19), how the media chooses to engage with businesses and their publicists has remained largely the same, according to the Cision State of the Media Report 2020. By providing journalists with great stories that resonate with their audiences and by helping them quickly determine the value of your submission, will not only be of service to them but will increase your odds of securing media coverage more often. Email pitching continues to reign supreme Here are some top tips for managing this effectively: Ensure you include a >>

1409, 2020

How to maximise on winning a business award

By |September 14, 2020|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on How to maximise on winning a business award

It’s business award season … and you’ve won an award. Do you sit back, put your feet up and bask in glory of being a winner? Sorry folks this is where the hard works starts. This is where you use your win, to not only position yourself as a leader and innovator in your field, but to turn your win into a highly effective sales tool. Awards are proven to improve your sales turnover by up to 40 percent … but only if you use some of the communications opportunities at your disposal to make this happen. The >>

809, 2020

What is thought leadership?

By |September 8, 2020|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on What is thought leadership?

This question was put to me just the other day by someone looking to attend my thought leadership webinar but unsure whether it was applicable to them or not. This is how I explained it. It’s the PR process (some would say 'marketing' process) and the tactics used by individuals or organisations to position themselves as an authority or thought leader in their industry or field. These tactics can include personal branding, blogging, social media, publicity, business books, talks, podcasts … basically any and everything that enables people to showcase their expertise and build their visibility and credibility, both >>

209, 2020

Is LIKING on social media sufficient?

By |September 2, 2020|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Is LIKING on social media sufficient?

Is LIKING on social media sufficient or should I be looking to up the action? This is something I was asked by someone looking to position themselves as an authority. Sorry guys, LIKING (even SHARING) is not nearly enough. If you are looking to become a recognised thought leader or expert, it is absolutely essential that where possible you always COMMENT and that what you say further strengthens your position as the expert in your specific niche or subject area. For example because my niche is thought leadership and communications, I always try link my comments back to my expertise >>

209, 2020

Should I kick-start my thought leadership journey by writing a business book?

By |September 2, 2020|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Should I kick-start my thought leadership journey by writing a business book?

This is an all too regular question that pops up during coaching or in my webinars. And my response: Absolutely write a business book as its a great way to position yourself as an authority and a sure-fire way of demonstrating that you know what you’re talking about. But should it be the starting point? While there’s no real right or wrong answer … my inclination would be to initially spend time engaging with your audiences via blogging and social media … even the talk circuit. This will give you the opportunity to ask your audiences and customers about their >>

209, 2020

Quantity versus quality connections

By |September 2, 2020|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Quantity versus quality connections

When it comes to connections, does quantity trump quality on social media? This is one of the questions that was put to me during my thought leadership webinar last week so I figured it was well worth sharing. Should you aim at having thousands of connections or simply focus on fewer quality connections? If your focus is on driving business opportunities and sales, then it is usually about the quantity of connections. That said: ensure that those you connect with are in fact your ideal audience or the people who may influence your ideal audience. However, if you >>

209, 2020

Should I enter a business award

By |September 2, 2020|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Should I enter a business award

Is the effort involved with entering an award truly worth my precious time? This is a question many businesses are grappling with right now as we move into award season and as many of us begin the difficult task of rebuilding post COVID lock-down. And my response to the question … this couldn’t be a better time to enter a business award. For starters, winning an award – even being shortlisted – gets your name out in flash and ensures you haven’t been forgotten. It also signals to the market that you’re innovative and creative and really good at what >>

2508, 2020

Six rules for creating killer thought leadership content

By |August 25, 2020|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Six rules for creating killer thought leadership content

Positioning yourself or your organisation as a powerful authority or thought leader will be a critical leadership and business aspiration as we begin the long and painful journey back to normality post COVID-19. And intrinsic to achieving this goal is creating content that is useful, informative, challenging and more importantly … leads the conversation. Here are my top thought leadership content rules which can be applied regardless of whether you’re blogging, engaged in public speaking, podcasting, developing a business book or seeking publicity. Rule 1 – Your content needs to deliver compelling value Providing value should be the guiding light to >>

308, 2020

When to take a passive approach to thought leadership

By |August 3, 2020|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on When to take a passive approach to thought leadership

I’m often asked by people pivoting their businesses, changing their area of specialisation or embarking on a new area of study, if they should delay their thought leadership ambitions.Yes you should.   Avoid putting out original content or providing learned commentary until such time that you have accumulated deep experience, knowledge and expertise in their new field. You run the risk of severe embarrassment or public ridicule if you get things wrong.   However, there is nothing to stop you from building your visibility and credibility in a more passive way:   Develop your personal brand on social >>

2707, 2020

The 101 of Thought Leadership Workshop

By |July 27, 2020|Categories: Blog|Tags: , |Comments Off on The 101 of Thought Leadership Workshop

Positioning yourself as a powerful authority and the go-to expert in your industry or field will be a critical leadership and business aspiration as we begin the difficult and painful journey back to normality post COVID-19. But how do you get started and what’s involved?  In our highly interactive free one-hour webinar, The 101 of Thought Leadership, we will provide you with the key steps for getting started and provide you with insights into what other leading authorities are doing with their thought leadership. The webinar takes place on Thursday 20 August 2020 at 5 pm. The webinar is suitable for business >>

707, 2020

The tell-tale signs you don’t cut it as a thought leader

By |July 7, 2020|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on The tell-tale signs you don’t cut it as a thought leader

Thought Leadership is one of the most widely used, often abused and least understood communications tactics available to the marketplace. There’re differing opinions about what it is and fuzzy expectations about its benefits. Our simple definition is that thought leadership is a sophisticated communications strategy used by individuals, businesses and organisations to build credibility by becoming the recognized expert or go-to resource in their industry or field. It is this credibility that gives potential buyers the confidence to do business with you and media and conference organisers the preparedness to reach out to you. They want to know that the >>

2206, 2020

How does thought leadership content differ from other content?

By |June 22, 2020|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on How does thought leadership content differ from other content?

This is a question that regularly comes my way so I figured it was high time I got round to answering it. Although similar in execution, thought leadership content dives much, much deeper than typical content. It informs and educates, provides insights, challenges the status quo and ultimately positions you and your organisation as the leader in your space. As mentioned in my video, your thought leadership content should: Provide value Focus on your expert niche Be topical and relevant Be fresh and original Include your own experiences Be opinion driven, thought provoking and occasionally controversial! Get >>

906, 2020

Top tips for your thought leadership content

By |June 9, 2020|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Top tips for your thought leadership content

As a thought leader or authority, how should your content be different? What stories should you be telling? What should you be talking and writing about?

1805, 2020

The who’s who of Australia’s thought leaders

By |May 18, 2020|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on The who’s who of Australia’s thought leaders

I could have written a book about how to position yourself or your organisation as an authority or thought leader … but that’s already been done. Instead I’ve listened to the people attending my workshops and pulled together a guide to the who’s who of Australia's thought leaders, their key contribution and the communications’ channels they’re using to take their thinking and big ideas to the world. Also rather than simply focussing on the high profile thought leaders and public icons out there, I've also included the lesser known thought leaders who are most likely only recognisable in their immediate >>

2104, 2020

Who are our COVID-19 thought leaders?

By |April 21, 2020|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Who are our COVID-19 thought leaders?

As the former Mayor of New York Rudolph Giuliani once said, “it is in times of crisis that good leaders emerge.” A somewhat flawed individual, he became widely admired as the embodiment of an indomitable spirit in the wake of 9-11.  Winston Churchill did much the same in Britain’s darkest hour in 1940. At the beginning of the Second World War, although he was recognised as a gifted politician, he was seen as impulsive and impractical and prone to switching political parties. Yet six years later, Churchill towered above all his contemporaries as a statesman of international renown.  Just as great >>

1002, 2020

From Leader to Thought Leader Workshop

By |February 10, 2020|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on From Leader to Thought Leader Workshop

Would you like to become the respected expert or authority in your industry of field? Are you tired of being a well-kept secret and want to be top of mind for your thinking and big ideas? Do you have something worthwhile and powerful to say but don't know how to cut through the noise? We can help. Join us on Friday, 20 March from 9am-1pm at Hub Southern Cross, Level 2/695 Bourke Street, Melbourne for The 101 of Thought Leadership workshop. During this highly interactive four-hour workshop we will: Give you a deep understanding of what thought leadership is and isn’t. You >>

1301, 2020

How do I determine my thought leadership niche?

By |January 13, 2020|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on How do I determine my thought leadership niche?

This is a question that regularly pops up in my workshops and during thought leadership coaching sessions so I figured it was high time I got round to answering it. When choosing your niche: Ideally focus on one area and do it really well. Your niche should address a genuine problem, need or gap in the marketplace. Choose something you know a lot about. Be well placed to provide real value to your audience Ensure you are passionate about your niche. To get in touch: MOBILE: 0422 694 503 EMAIL:  

1612, 2019

Top communications predictions for 2020

By |December 16, 2019|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Top communications predictions for 2020

As the 2019 rapidly draws to a close it may be worthwhile to spare a thought for the New Year and what it holds on the communications and public relations front. Here are some of my predictions. However, rather than just peer into my own crystal ball; I did a whip-around of the PR gurus I admire in Australia and overseas to check out what their thinking is for the year ahead. Happily, their prognostications (I love that word!) dovetailed with mine, enabling me to provide what I believe is a pretty accurate picture of what awaits us in 2020. >>

212, 2019

The importance of purpose for thought leadership

By |December 2, 2019|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on The importance of purpose for thought leadership

The big take-out for those attending my 101 of Thought Leadership workshop last week was the importance of asking yourself WHY. Why do you want to be thought leader? What is your big motivation? Is it simply about building your visibility and credibility and is it about  creating a platform and the licence to inform and educate your communities, raise awareness on issues, change behaviours or influence positive public debate and thinking.  Knowing your purpose and intent helps you determine how you position yourself online, who you talk to (your audiences) what actions you take and the stories you tell. >>

2711, 2019

What is my motivation for wanting to be a thought leader?

By |November 27, 2019|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on What is my motivation for wanting to be a thought leader?

The big take-out for those attending my 101 of Thought Leadership workshop last week was the importance of asking yourself WHY. Why do you want to be thought leader? What is your big motivation? Is it simply about building your visibility and credibility or is it about creating a platform and the licence to inform and educate your communities, raise awareness on issues, change behaviours or influence positive public debate and thinking. Knowing your WHY is critical to your thought leadership journey as it enables you to position yourself online appropriately and informs what you do and talk about moving >>

2611, 2019

Tracy Spicer – the accidental thought leader

By |November 26, 2019|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Tracy Spicer – the accidental thought leader

When journalist Tracey Spicer sent out a tweet in October 2017 asking if Australians had their own #MeToo stories, the secret was out. Tales of sexual harassment from ordinary women and men in workplaces across the country began flooding her inbox and social media. And as the number of messages grew from the hundreds into the thousands, Tracey Spicer suddenly found herself at the centre of one of the most explosive and transformative issues in modern Australia. However, rather than see the response from Australians simply as an opportunity to create a great story (which she has done in a >>

1811, 2019

Where do I start with my thought leadership journey?

By |November 18, 2019|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Where do I start with my thought leadership journey?

Should I write a business book? Should I become a TEDx speaker or develop a podcast series or focus instead on securing coverage in the media?   These are the all too frequent questions I get from entrepreneurs, CEOs and academics attending my workshops or using my thought leadership coaching services.   And my response? Absolutely do all these things as they are essential to the thought leadership process … but not before getting the basics right.   What I mean by the basics is:   Clarifying why you want to be a thought leader Understanding where you can >>

1111, 2019

What kind of thought leader are you?

By |November 11, 2019|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on What kind of thought leader are you?

It may come as something of a surprise that people have a host of different reasons and motivations for wanting to be a thought leader. Some simply want to establish themselves as the go-to in their industry or field, while others want to educate their communities, weigh in on key public debates, raise awareness on issues, put forward innovative ideas, challenge behaviours … even change the way we think about things at a fundamental level. So where do you stand as a would-be or fully-fledged thought leader? What role do you want to fill or are you already filling? To >>

411, 2019

Thought Leadership Workshop in November

By |November 4, 2019|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Thought Leadership Workshop in November

Are you a CEO, business leader, entrepreneur, innovator, academic or subject expert? Do you have something worthwhile and powerful to say but don’t know how to position yourself as a thought leader or communicate your thinking and big ideas to the world? If so, do join us on Thursday, 21 November, 8am-10am, Altitude Cowork, Level 1/575 Bourke Street, Melbourne for The 101 of Thought Leadership workshop. This highly interactive two-hour workshop will provide you with a deep understanding of what thought leadership is and isn’t and will help you take your first tentative steps towards becoming the go-to authority in your industry >>

1410, 2019

Thought Leadership Workshop in November

By |October 14, 2019|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Thought Leadership Workshop in November

Are you a CEO, business leader, entrepreneur, innovator, academic or subject expert? Do you have something worthwhile and powerful to say but don’t know how to position yourself as a thought leader or communicate your thinking and big ideas to the world? If so, do join us on Thursday, 21 November, 8am-10am, Altitude Cowork, Level 1/575 Bourke Street, Melbourne for The 101 of Thought Leadership workshop. This highly interactive two-hour workshop will provide you with a deep understanding of what thought leadership is and isn’t and will help you take your first tentative steps towards becoming the go-to authority in >>

810, 2019

Welcome to the lets talk thought leadership series

By |October 8, 2019|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Welcome to the lets talk thought leadership series

Over the next little while I’ll be talking about all things thought-leadership - providing you with tips for getting started on your own thought leadership journey, answering your most asked questions and talking about some of our best known thought leaders ... periodically even interviewing some of them. Should all go according to plan, I’ll be putting out something each month – typically on the first Tuesday of the month so do keep a look-out. If you would like help with your thought leadership contact

2309, 2019

Should our business leaders take on the role of activist?

By |September 23, 2019|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Should our business leaders take on the role of activist?

Should our CEOs, the C-suite or members of the Board speak out or act on key social and political issues? This is the vexed question facing many of our captains of industry and one that was brought into sharp focus this past week with the Morrison Government advising corporations to steer clear of environmental and social issues and focus instead on core business concerns. This rebuke saw the Government taking on some of the 'goliaths' of business including BHP’s Andrew Mackenzie; Atlassian’s Mike Canon-Brookes; Qantas CEO, Alan Joyce and Virgin boss, Paul Scurrah. Mr Mackenzie has become something of an >>

209, 2019

What journalists really want

By |September 2, 2019|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on What journalists really want

With our ever changing media landscape, we’re struggling to keep abreast of what it is that appeals to journalists. What precisely should we be doing to secure much sought-after coverage? The findings from the latest Cision 2019 State of the Media Report (which surveyed 1,999 journalists around the world) show that while some things have changed in terms of what the media wants, others have remained very much the same. Media releases are still the most trusted form of content When Cision asked journalists what content they like to receive from brands, a whopping 71% said that news announcements and >>

1208, 2019

Top PR trends for 2019 re-examined

By |August 12, 2019|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Top PR trends for 2019 re-examined

Although we are well into 2019, this excellent article on PR key trends is just as applicable now as it was at the start of the year. Here are some of my key take-outs: There will be stronger alignment between PR and content marketing and a trend away from self-promotion and a more enhanced focus on educating, engaging and delivering value to audiences.Personal branding and thought leadership for business leaders will become an even greater priority. So the way your key employees and company leaders brand themselves will play a big role in the way your audience connects with and >>

508, 2019

The rise and rise of the transformational thought leader

By |August 5, 2019|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on The rise and rise of the transformational thought leader

Andrew Mackenzie, BHP Billiton What on earth is a transformation thought leader I hear you yell out loud? It is someone who uses their position at the helm of an organisation, community group or movement to drive change, clean up poor industry practices or encourage their greater eco-system to take a new course of action beneficial to society and the world at large. A great recent example of this purpose-driven or transformational approach to thought leadership is Andrew Mackenzie, Director of BHP Billiton Limited and CEO of BHP Billiton Plc. Just two weeks ago Andrew announced that the resources giant >>

3107, 2019

BHP head displays his thought leadership credentials

By |July 31, 2019|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on BHP head displays his thought leadership credentials

Andrew MackenzieDirector of BHP Billiton Limited and BHP Billiton Plc, Chief Executive Officer It was with a sense of mounting excitement that I read of BHP chief executive, Andrew Mackenzie’s announcement that the resources giant will be doing its bit to address our escalating climate change crisis. Its ‘bit’ comprises spending millions to create a climate investment program to reduce emissions from its own operations and while also pushing for its customers to reduce theirs. It couldn’t have been easy for Andrew given that the steel industry is one of the greatest contributors to greenhouse gases and his announcement is >>

2005, 2019

What do thought leaders have in common?

By |May 20, 2019|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on What do thought leaders have in common?

I’m often asked this question by people attending my personal branding and thought leadership masterclasses so I thought I’d do a review of Australia’s key influencers and acknowledged thought leaders and determine what it is these people have in common.  (A quick heads up: Thought leaders are those unique individuals we turn to for their wisdom, knowledge, opinions and ideas. They consistently add to the body of knowledge in their sectors, challenge current thinking and put forward their ideas for the future.) So what is is that sets thought leaders apart from other high achievers? Innovative, ideas people Thought leaders >>

1305, 2019

Who are our Australian thought leaders?

By |May 13, 2019|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Who are our Australian thought leaders?

I'm in the process of pulling together a booklet on Australia’s thought leaders and would dearly love your input in this regard. I am looking for people who’re not just our acknowledged experts and informed opinion leaders but people who are using their status to drive positive change in their industries, communities and the greater marketplace in which they operate. They're challenging current thinking, putting forward ideas for the future, changing behaviours and coming up with better ways of doing things. These are people who have earned their stripes in their field, risen to the top of their careers or >>

804, 2019

Can publicity help drive change for the better?

By |April 8, 2019|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Can publicity help drive change for the better?

This image appeared in The Guardian, 6 Sept, 2019 Can regular and consistent media coverage of an issue or problem change hearts and minds and ultimately deliver positive and long-lasting changes? Yes it most decidedly can. Over the past two years I have been helping health advocate, Health Issues Centre, (HIC) bring the attention of the public to problems associated with mesh implants – initially pelvic mesh but more recently mesh implants across the board (hernia, transvaginal and rectocele). Back in 2017 public interest in the issue was low given that problems associated with pelvic mesh implants appeared to impact >>

104, 2019

Where should I start my thought leadership journey?

By |April 1, 2019|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Where should I start my thought leadership journey?

Should I write a business book? Should I become a TEDx speaker? Should I start a podcast series? Should I try getting coverage in the media? These are the all too frequent questions I get from CEOs wanting to become to the ‘go-to’ for their industry or ambitious executives chasing board or other high-profile appointments. In fact it was only last week that I had these very questions put to me by the former owner of a financial services firm who is contemplating ‘what next’ after selling the business she operated for two decades. I’ll call her Janice. She has >>

1903, 2019

Five rules for creating killer thought leadership content

By |March 19, 2019|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Five rules for creating killer thought leadership content

. Becoming an acknowledged thought leader will remain one of the key leadership and business aspirations into 2019 and beyond. Intrinsic to achieving this goal is creating content that is useful, informative and dare I say, memorable. Here are my top thought leadership content rules which can be applied regardless of whether you’re blogging, engaged in public speaking, podcasting, developing a business book or video or chasing publicity. Rule 1 - Provide compelling value As a thought leader you should know what your audiences are talking about, what their pain points are and what mistakes they are making … then look >>

103, 2019

Danny Vadasz: fighting for the rights of the health consumer

By |March 1, 2019|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Danny Vadasz: fighting for the rights of the health consumer

In previous blogs I told you that I was on a quest to uncover Australia’s acknowledged and emerging thought leaders and that over the next little while will identify these unique individuals and unpack what it is that puts them into this much sought-after category. Danny Vadasz Thought leaders are those special folk who consistently add to the body of knowledge in their industries, who are most likely to challenge the status quo, put forward new ideas for the future and raise questions around new thinking and new ways of doing things. They’re also those trail-blazers and change-makers who not >>

2502, 2019

Six PR practices you should consign to the scrapyard

By |February 25, 2019|Categories: Blog|Tags: |Comments Off on Six PR practices you should consign to the scrapyard

Securing coverage in the media is getting harder by the day so don’t make the process even tougher by clutching onto redundant public relations practices that no longer work and could potentially harm your brand. PR activities that need to be taken to scrap. Here are SIX tactics and strategies you should have reduced to scrap years ago: 1. Spamming journalists This is often referred to as the ‘spray and pray’ method - that is, sending out your pitch to everyone imaginable in the hopes it will elicit some response. Sure, your news may be exciting but don’t batch-send to >>

2301, 2019

Aussie thought leaders: Professor Charlie Corke

By |January 23, 2019|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Aussie thought leaders: Professor Charlie Corke

Aussie thought leader: Prof Charlie Corke In previous blogs I mentioned that I was on a quest to uncover Australia’s acknowledged and emerging thought leaders and that over the next little while will identify these unique individuals and unpack what it is that puts them into this much sought-after category. A “thought leader” is someone who is more than simply an expert. It is someone who is an “expert among experts” within a particular industry. It is someone people turn to for guidance, ideas and inspiration. Thought leaders are also those special folk who consistently add to the >>

2101, 2019

Top public relations trends for 2019

By |January 21, 2019|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Top public relations trends for 2019

As we reluctantly pack away our thongs and bathers, don our city clothes and head back to the office after a well-earned summer break, our gaze inevitably turns to the horizon. What will be the top communications and public relations trends for 2019 and how we can stay ahead of the curve? What does the upcoming year hold and what should we be doing to get the best possible results from our PR? After talking to several key communications futurists and taking a look at what some of our industry gurus have to say about the next 12 months, here >>

1012, 2018

Top tips for managing your reputation online

By |December 10, 2018|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Top tips for managing your reputation online

In our internet-based world, online reputation management has become less of a “nice-to-have”, and more of an absolute necessity.  So how do you keep one person’s extreme opinion from harming your entire business? What should you do if negative news begins to circulate about your business? In this fantastic article I have summarised, US public relations guru, Wendy Marx, provides 12 powerful tips and tricks that will help you manage your reputation online: 1. Monitor your online reputation In order to manage criticism before it reaches damaging proportions, you need to keep track of it. You can do >>

1911, 2018

Has the media release gone out with the ark?

By |November 19, 2018|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Has the media release gone out with the ark?

Public relations has undergone dramatic changes in recent years with the advent of the online world, new ways of distributing news and the challenges facing journalists.  But have these changes seen a shift away from good ol’ media release? Interestingly, no. When crafted well, media releases continue to remain the critical starting point for most media campaigns. Here are SEVEN best practise recommendations that will ensure your media release gets read. 1.     Make your headlines stand out Your media release headlines may be a relatively small part of your release, but they play a massive role in its effectiveness. >>

1011, 2018

Our Aussie thought leaders: Mike Canon-Brookes

By |November 10, 2018|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Our Aussie thought leaders: Mike Canon-Brookes

Mike Canon-Brookes - one of Australia's foremost thought leaders. In my last blog I told you that I was on a quest to uncover Australia’s acknowledged and emerging thought leaders. Over the next little while I will identify these unique individuals and unpack what it is that puts them into this much sought-after category. As I have mentioned on previous occasions, thought leaders are those unique individuals people turn to for their wisdom, knowledge, opinions and ideas.  They are those special folk who have something interesting and worthwhile to talk and write about and have legions of people >>

3010, 2018

Who are Australia’s best known thought leaders?

By |October 30, 2018|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Who are Australia’s best known thought leaders?

Simon Holmes a Court, emerging thought leader to watch. We’ve familiar with what Richard Branson, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Sheryl Sandberg, Gary Vaynerchuk, Seth Godin, Tim Ferriss, Simon Sinek, Tony Robbins, Stephen M.R. Covey and Lolly Daskal stand for … or at the very least, we know who they are. Yep, they are among our best known international thought leaders – those folk who have something interesting and worthwhile to talk and write about and have legions of people tuned in to what they have to say. They are those unique individuals people turn to for their wisdom, >>

2210, 2018

This is what people are saying about our thought leadership offerings

By |October 22, 2018|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on This is what people are saying about our thought leadership offerings

It is just under a year ago that my business partner and I, Trudy Rankin, introduced our thought leadership branding packages onto the market and the feedback we’re getting is most encouraging. In a nutshell our done-for-you and coaching packages provide industry leaders, CEOs, entrepreneurs, academics and change-makers the low-down on how to become the recognised thought leader or ‘go to’ expert in their respective industries or fields. As the guru, they become that all important expert who people turn to for their wisdom, knowledge, opinions and ideas. They also become that unique individual who consistently adds to the body >>

810, 2018

Thought Leaders: are you leveraging podcasts to build influence, engagement and trust?

By |October 8, 2018|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Thought Leaders: are you leveraging podcasts to build influence, engagement and trust?

By Annemarie Cross, ‘The Podcasting Queen’* WE all know the importance of consistently sharing our insights to build and maintain thought leadership in our area of expertise. However, with the rapid increase of information being added online on a daily basis this poses a real challenge for our content to even be found. According to Internet Stats Live (a Real Time Statistics Project spearheaded by a team of global developers, researchers and analysts) at 7.26 am on 6th September 2018, 75,426,700,329 emails had been sent; 1,742,999 blog posts had been written; and 2,007,975,238 videos uploaded to YouTube, with this number >>

2708, 2018

Top tips for positioning yourself as a thought leader on LinkedIn

By |August 27, 2018|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Top tips for positioning yourself as a thought leader on LinkedIn

Today everyone wants to be a thought leader which is completely understandable. Being the acknowledged thought leader in your industry or field is the greatest accolade someone can bestow on you. It is affirmation that you are an expert, a forward thinker and an inspirational figure who has deep insights and something worthwhile listening to. However, achieving this status doesn’t come easily. It means constantly putting yourself out there and spreading your ideas and sharing wisdom in a way that others can tap into. For most looking to achieve recognition, LinkedIn is a great place to start and >>

2506, 2018

How to create your personal branding statement

By |June 25, 2018|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on How to create your personal branding statement

As I have mentioned in previous blogs, a critical component of positioning yourself as a thought leader or the go-to expert in your field, is getting your personal branding right. But where on earth should I start, is a regular refrain from clients and prospective clients. “Should I write that business book, start blogging or secure some coverage in the media or complete my social media profiles?” “No, no, no”, is my usual response. There are two very essential first-steps. You need to determine your area of specialisation and expertise, then create your all-important personal branding statement, tagline, slogan, catchline, strapline >>

1806, 2018

How to maximise on winning an award

By |June 18, 2018|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on How to maximise on winning an award

I was recently asked by a client of mine what they should be doing to make the most of an innovation award they had garnered for their ground-breaking software. How could they use this win to better position themselves as leaders in their field while at the same time driving future sales?Here are five key things I advised them to do. In fact, my advice is very universal and can pretty much be taken on board by anyone looking to get the most out of their win. Tip 1 – Get your win up in lights on your website Ensure >>

2805, 2018

Should I give a damn about media coverage?

By |May 28, 2018|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Should I give a damn about media coverage?

In today’s communications’ environment where businesses are increasingly getting the word out about their organisations via paid media (social media and Google advertising), owned media (blog posts, whitepapers, e-books, videos), and shared media (social media), has media coverage become irrelevant? In a word NO. Media coverage has become even more highly prized than it once was as companies jostle for the limited amount of media real estate now available. Reasons why media coverage is so important 1. It gives you third party credibility Unlike paid media, owned media and shared media (which are the communications’ tools you have control over) >>

1405, 2018

Personal branding: the starting point of thought leadership

By |May 14, 2018|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Personal branding: the starting point of thought leadership

Yes,  I know the term ‘personal branding’ has many of you cringing, reaching for the vomit bag or conjuring up images of people wearing red dresses, bow-ties, braces or oversized green glasses.And sure, at a very simplistic level, personal branding is in part that. It’s the art of establishing a highly prescribed image or impression of yourself in the market - from your personal appearance, behaviour, your personal views, opinions and your verbal and non-verbal communications. However, it’s more than just that. It’s about building your expertise in a specific area and providing your audience with really useful information that >>

805, 2018

Top five reasons why individuals are embracing thought leadership

By |May 8, 2018|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Top five reasons why individuals are embracing thought leadership

Companies and business leaders have been using public relations and thought leadership for decades to build their visibility, status and standing in order to attract new clients and become the voice and authority for their industry. Now with the advent of social media and the myriad of online communications at their disposal, individuals have the ability to do precisely the same thing … but often for very different reasons. To find out why individuals want to become thought leaders – other than to sell a product or service – we decided to conduct our own bit of sleuthing. Although we >>

1704, 2018

Can anyone be a thought leader?

By |April 17, 2018|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Can anyone be a thought leader?

Jump online and ask that question and you’re led to believe that all it takes is to complete a short course, get a certificate and hey presto you’re a thought leader. Sorry folks, there’s much more to it than meets the eye. Either you’re a thought leader or you’re not. You already have knowledge others don’t have and the education, experience, know-how or original research to support this knowledge. You’re also that person who is capable of original thinking, fresh ideas and new insights. You have the ability to think outside the box and are constantly looking at >>

1004, 2018

Is thought leadership good for my career prospects?

By |April 10, 2018|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Is thought leadership good for my career prospects?

Thought leadership can turbo-charge careers. This is a question I’m increasingly asked by ambitious executives looking to make it to the C-suite so I figured it was high time I provided a response - thought leadership IS without a doubt the best career insurance about! And why do I say this?  In providing my answer, I thought I’d quote US thought leadership guru, Denise Brosseau, as her thinking well and truly dove-tails with mine: “Establishing yourself as a thought leader leads to exposure for your ideas both inside and outside your company – particularly with journalists, analysts, event organisers and >>

1302, 2018

Time for academics to reclaim the thought leadership mantle

By |February 13, 2018|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Time for academics to reclaim the thought leadership mantle

This wonderful blog posted on UK academic blogsite, Acadenema, pretty much sums up the state of play across academia globally: Academics exist in a little bubble and are at risk of being left behind as tomorrow’s thought leaders. According to blog author, Iain Woodhouse (who himself is an academic), while this ‘bubble-ness’ is what has made academics valuable to society at large (they can view the world objectively and dispassionately and don’t succumb to fads and fashions or vested interests or agendas) it becomes a drawback when they remain fully immured in it. “The bubble becomes a problem … when >>

1501, 2018

Top five PR and communications trends for 2018

By |January 15, 2018|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Top five PR and communications trends for 2018

As we reluctantly pack away our thongs and bathers, don our city clothes and head back to the office after a well-earned summer break, our gaze inevitably turns to the horizon. What will be the top communications and public relations trends for 2018 and how we can stay ahead of the curve? What does the upcoming year hold and what should we be doing to get the best possible results from our PR? After talking to several key communications futurists and taking a look at what some of our industry gurus have to say about the next 12 months, here >>

2012, 2017

Six rules for creating the right kind of thought leadership content

By |December 20, 2017|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Six rules for creating the right kind of thought leadership content

Becoming an acknowledged thought leader will remain a key leadership aspirations into 2018 and beyond. However, intrinsic to achieving this goal is the creation of content that not only positions you as an expert but that is useful, informative and … memorable. Here are my top SIX thought leadership content rules that you should apply regardless of whether you’re blogging, engaged  in public speaking, podcasting, creating a business book or chasing publicity. Ideally your content should: Rule 1 – Take your audience along with you on a journey To do this effectively you need to have a content strategy and >>

1112, 2017

Using thought leadership to get ‘buy-in’ for your business idea

By |December 11, 2017|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Using thought leadership to get ‘buy-in’ for your business idea

When I began the thought leadership arm of my public relations business 12 months ago, I was convinced that the people wanting to become thought leaders would be established entrepreneurs, business owners and CEOs of corporations and community groups. It was with considerable surprise that I recently discovered while presenting a series of workshops that there in fact is another core group – people looking to test their business ideas before taking them to market. And, why not? Thought leadership is the perfect mechanism for presenting and testing the veracity of ideas, gauging interest and whetting the appetite of potential >>

1112, 2017

Using thought leadership to get ‘buy-in’ for your idea

By |December 11, 2017|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Using thought leadership to get ‘buy-in’ for your idea

  When I began the thought leadership arm of my public relations business 12 months ago, I was convinced that the people wanting to become thought leaders would be established entrepreneurs, business owners and CEOs of corporations. It was with considerable surprise that I recently discovered that there in fact is another core group – people looking to test their business ideas before taking them to market. And, why not? Thought leadership is the perfect mechanism for presenting and testing the veracity of ideas, gauging interest and whetting the appetite of potential investors without having to outlay a considerable fortune >>

2711, 2017

As a CEO, are you missing the mark when it comes to thought leadership

By |November 27, 2017|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on As a CEO, are you missing the mark when it comes to thought leadership

Until recently, academics have reigned supreme as our thinkers and thought leaders. However, with our growing emphasis on the knowledge economy, more and more CEOs, senior executives and business people are stepping into this role or weighing up whether or not to get involved. Sadly many of those taking up the challenge are getting it wrong. Why? Because they continue to view thought leadership as ‘just another marketing strategy’ best left to their corporate affairs or marketing department. As a result they are missing out on a wonderful opportunity to personally build rapport and trust with their customers and business >>

2111, 2017

Here’s how Richard Branson, Sheryl Sandberg and Gary Vaynerchuk cut through the noise as thought leaders

By |November 21, 2017|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Here’s how Richard Branson, Sheryl Sandberg and Gary Vaynerchuk cut through the noise as thought leaders

In this fantastic article, Entrepreneur magazine addresses how individuals can rise above the clutter and commotion that is the online world and create thought leadership content that gets read, gets viewed and goes viral. A lot of what the article recommends, I am happy to say, is what I have been rabbiting on about in my blogs over the past six months or so. According to the article’s author, Remy Scalza, the FIVE keys to rising about the noise, are: Get personal. Don’t be afraid to open up about your life and the issues you’re passionate about. With 10 million >>

611, 2017

Thought leaders – top tips for writing a business book

By |November 6, 2017|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Thought leaders – top tips for writing a business book

Writing a business book is absolutely fundamental to your thought leadership aspirations and is one of the best ways of rapidly establishing yourself as an acknowledged expert in your field. But where on earth do you get started? With the Xmas break looming and an opportunity to finally put pen to paper without the distractions of the daily grind, here are some great tips for getting started. Tip 1 – Know your purpose Understand exactly why you are writing a book. Here I'm asking you to be super-selfish and think about what you want to achieve from your hard work (because >>

2310, 2017

Is writing a business book essential to your thought leadership aspirations?

By |October 23, 2017|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Is writing a business book essential to your thought leadership aspirations?

It most definitely is. However … and there is a big HOWEVER attached to my response … the book you write should fill a genuine gap in the market, truly add value to your chosen readership audience and provide the catalyst for change or new ways of thinking. There is absolutely no point in churning out a business book that does not provide a valuable forum for advancing your thoughts and ideas and taking them beyond the confines of your company or community to the greater ecosystem. If your book fails on this front and is simply parroting what >>

910, 2017

Is a subject matter expert also a thought leader?

By |October 9, 2017|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Is a subject matter expert also a thought leader?

Yes and no is my usual answer. The concepts are often used interchangeably so it’s important to understand the salient differences. Generally speaking a subject matter expert (SME) is an authority in a specific area. They know their topic inside out, are widely read and can speak knowledgeably on their area of expertise.  Subject matter experts can be all manner of professionals – sales people, marketers, public relations, HR, you name it! While they may have some of their own ideas and views, these ideas are usually a mix of other people’s points of view, knowledge and know-how. Subsequently >>

210, 2017

Is traditional media a worthy channel for thought leadership?

By |October 2, 2017|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Is traditional media a worthy channel for thought leadership?

Should I bother with traditional media when it comes to furthering my thought leadership ambitions, I hear you ask?  With the upsurge of social media, blogging, podcasting, videos and content marketing, hasn’t this communication channel outlived its usefulness? My answer is a categorical ‘No’. Publicity still remains one of the most effective tools in any thought leadership war chest. In fact given that it is increasingly harder to land a story, successfully securing coverage and becoming a regular media commentary is viewed as a critical milestone in any thought leadership journey. From my experience, each time a client of mine >>

1809, 2017

How LinkedIn can further your thought leadership ambitions

By |September 18, 2017|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on How LinkedIn can further your thought leadership ambitions

LinkedIn is easily one of the most effective channels for positioning yourself and enhancing your reach as a thought leader. But rather than attempting to reinvent the wheel, I have dipped into the treasure trove of information provided by who is without a doubt a true ‘Jedi Master’ of LinkedIn. Before I begin extracting their pearls of wisdom (along with a few of mine and those of my thought leadership business partner, Trudy Rankin,) a quick recap of what thought leadership is. According to Joel Kurtzman, the man who coined the term back in 1994, thought leaders are those whose >>

1109, 2017

Should blogging be the basis of thought leadership activity?

By |September 11, 2017|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Should blogging be the basis of thought leadership activity?

With the plethora of platforms now available to aspiring thought leaders, the question is where to begin your journey. Ask around (and other than the odd exception), the overwhelming response is: blogging is best. Safe haven to clarify your ‘thought leadership’ ideas I like to think of my blog as the jumping off point for all my thought leadership activity and a secure, non-threatening place to begin formulating my ideas. Only once I have completed my post, do I dip into other thought leadership platforms such as social media, publicity, podcasts, videos and so on. The idea of speaking into >>

109, 2017

Is thought leadership just another name for personal branding?

By |September 1, 2017|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Is thought leadership just another name for personal branding?

Trawl the internet for the answer and by the end of it your head will be spinning and you will be significantly more confused than when you started out. In the one camp you will find the marketing fraternity and others loudly proclaiming that thought leadership and personal branding are one and the same.  Then you have people from the purist school of thought leadership claiming that they’re two very separate beasts entirely. And then you have folks like me who while agreeing primarily with the purists, recognise that in many instances there is some overlap, with both camps guilty >>

2408, 2017

Key steps to starting your thought leadership journey

By |August 24, 2017|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Key steps to starting your thought leadership journey

So you want to become an industry authority and trusted 'go-to' for your expertise … but where on earth do you get started on your thought leadership journey? What are the critical first steps? In this week’s blog, I will talk about that all important planning and implementation phase … about those critical fundamentals you will need to put in place before you embark on your thought leadership odyssey. Sadly this is the part of the process many would-be thought leaders often overlook in their haste to jump headlong into the more exciting work of spreading the word. Step 1 >>

1008, 2017

How thought leaders remain ahead of the content curve

By |August 10, 2017|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on How thought leaders remain ahead of the content curve

This is my thought leadership summary of a top notch article by Single Grain Team. For access to the full article: Before you even start brainstorming your thought leadership content ideas, it’s incredibly important to know what’s relevant to your niche or topic area. That starts with staying on top of industry-related news, trends and searches. Single Grain Team recommends the following: 1. Use Google auto-fill, Google Keyword Planner, and Google Alerts Google, it says, is ‘your best friend’ for trending topics and questions. Kick off by taking advantage of Google’s autofill feature. This is a fantastic way to discover the trending >>

2807, 2017

How to conquer those recurring nightmares and nail your thought leadership content

By |July 28, 2017|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on How to conquer those recurring nightmares and nail your thought leadership content

The two most asked questions I get from wide-eyed, would-be thought leaders, anxiously preparing themselves for their journeys into the unknown: What on earth do I write about? How do I constantly come up with goods? And my usual answer - look no further than your target audience. Let them be your guide! After all, they’re ones you’ll be writing for or talking to and whose lives you’ll be impacting and adding value to. They’re the ones you’ll be sweeping up and carrying along with you on your thought leadership journey. Do your thought leader intelligence gathering Regardless of >>

2307, 2017

Hunting for your niche – figuring out your thought leadership specialisation

By |July 23, 2017|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Hunting for your niche – figuring out your thought leadership specialisation

What is that one thing you want to be known as a thought leader for? What is that topic you would be happy to write and speak about endlessly? And when I say ‘one’, I mean one. Trying to be an expert on a multitude of topics is a recipe for disaster. Opt for that one thing and dominate it! However, the big question is: how do you determine what that one thing might be? Where on earth do you start? Finding Your Thought Leadership Niche According to the experts, your thought leadership niche should be: That nugget of >>

1607, 2017

What do thought leaders have in common?

By |July 16, 2017|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on What do thought leaders have in common?

A similar background, same levels of education, similar industries, matching personality types … No, no and no again. The thought leaders I’ve worked with over the years couldn’t be more different if they tried. They’ve varied from financial and tech geeks educated in the state school system, marketing professionals determined to make their profession more ethical to people born with a silver spoon in their proverbial mouths who have a burning desire to support the underdog. They come from across the broad swathe of industries, are both introvert and extrovert, warm and giving and brutally direct and analytical. However, >>

907, 2017

Thought leadership isn’t content marketing

By |July 9, 2017|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Thought leadership isn’t content marketing

So please, please stop confusing the two. Content marketing is about creating and distributing relevant content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and well understood target audience. Think marketing personas. It’s about tapping into the minds and emotions of customers by understanding what drives their collective mindset and tailoring content which connects with them at a very deep level. Bottom line; content market is all about driving sales. Thought leadership on the other hand is another beast entirely. As Forbes’ leadership contributor, Davia Temin, so succinctly explains in her blog on the topic: “Thought leadership …. creates prestige >>

307, 2017

Are you a genuine thought leader or wannabee?

By |July 3, 2017|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Are you a genuine thought leader or wannabee?

“It’s not enough to be good at what you do; a thought leader is meant to be the greatest form of praise, geared towards someone who is on the absolute cutting edge of their industry or making big enough moves to warrant the distinction.” -Lauren Hockenson, author for The Next WebAs aptly summed up by Lauren, thought leaders are those at the very forefront of their professions and their industries. They’re not just the most informed people in the room; they’re the ones working hardest at maintaining that position. They’re the true subject matter experts, whose ideas are backed >>

206, 2017

Using publicity as a force for change

By |June 2, 2017|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Using publicity as a force for change

Just when we were all thinking that publicity was a spent force on the communications front, along comes a project that proves that this channel has teeth – and very sharp teeth at that - and continues to remain a very powerful force for change. I was recently asked to assist a client in the health space raise awareness about pelvic mesh implants and encourage women to complete major research it was doing in this regard. This research would be used to inform the client’s submission to a major Senate Inquiry which is now underway. Pelvic mesh has long >>

2504, 2017

Great media liaison – how to avoid driving journalists completely nuts

By |April 25, 2017|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Great media liaison – how to avoid driving journalists completely nuts

All too many businesses looking for media mileage think that securing media coverage is about sending out a damn good media release, sitting back and hoping for the best. They also believe there is no real protocol associated with engaging with the media and that any old approach will do. Sorry to tell you ladies and gents, there is not only a lot of spadework that goes into attracting the attention of the media but also an unspoken etiquette. Hopefully this guide will help make things a little easier: Know your target media You need to know the newspaper, >>

2004, 2017

What stories have journalists asking for more?

By |April 20, 2017|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on What stories have journalists asking for more?

Phrased differently, what stories are most likely to get coverage in the media? For the majority of companies and individuals looking to get publicity, this is without a doubt one of the biggest hurdles, with too many confusing their company’s marketing messages with a truly great story. Hopefully the list below will provide greater clarity. Stories that are topical and relevant Stories that tie in with unplanned or unexpected events – a disease outbreak, a controversy or scandal – or planned events such as looming elections, the federal budget or financial year-end. You can use these events to your >>

302, 2017

Top EIGHT public relations trends in 2017

By |February 3, 2017|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Top EIGHT public relations trends in 2017

To get the best possible results from your public relations spend this year, it is well worth staying abreast of the latest trends. 1. Less reliance on the traditional media release While the traditional media release was once the best way to get news out fast, these days it is much quicker pitching your story to journalists and allowing them to get on with the job of writing. That said, there are those who prefer media releases and backgrounders so be prepared to offer both options. I also strongly advocate that every story developed for the media is later >>

3008, 2016

Great topic ideas for your business blog

By |August 30, 2016|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Great topic ideas for your business blog

What should I blog about? What content really works? What do folks out there really read? These are some of the questions I’m often asked by clients facing the weekly or fortnightly task of having to develop fresh and interesting content for their website or LinkedIn posts or for their social media activity more generally. To lighten the load and provide you with a steady stream of new and interesting ideas, I trawled through ideas from some of the world’s best bloggers. These are some of the topics that ranked consistently well: Authoritative commentary As an industry authority you >>

1907, 2016

Five ways to maximize your social media efforts

By |July 19, 2016|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Five ways to maximize your social media efforts

How the world does business is changing rapidly and like it or not, more and more people are turning to digital technology, with social media in particular becoming the marketing battleground for the attention (and wallets) of customers. So how do you enter the fray and ensure your social media efforts will reap the rewards? 1.       Know your audience It is well worth your while spending a considerable amount of time defining and fleshing out who your ideal customer is.   You should be able to talk about them as if they were actual people or to model them on >>

507, 2016

Expanding our digital horizons

By |July 5, 2016|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Expanding our digital horizons

In today's multi-channel world, social media communications have become a fundamental part of any PR program. While Parker Public Relations has long provided this service as an outsourced offering, we have now brought the entire activity in-house, providing our clients with a more comprehensive and seamless public relations and social media offering. To enable this, we have partnered with digital strategist and online business coach and consultant, Trudy Rankin from West Island Digital.  Trudy specialises in helping people and businesses take the struggle out of adopting digital technology. What combining forces means for our clients is that they get their >>

1006, 2016

Does traditional media coverage matter anymore?

By |June 10, 2016|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Does traditional media coverage matter anymore?

With the upsurge of social media, blogging and content marketing, has traditional media – aka publicity - outlived its usefulness? Should businesses abandon it in their droves and focus exclusively on generating their own online content? My answer is a categorical ‘No’. It still remains one of the most effective tools in any public relations and marketing war chest. However, at its most powerful it should include a comprehensive and far-reaching online strategy. Instant status While it takes time to build online followers and connections, done well, coverage in traditional media can build your reputation overnight.  Securing publicity in a >>

2605, 2016

Get more bang from your media release buck

By |May 26, 2016|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Get more bang from your media release buck

With the ever shrinking media, securing mountains of coverage isn’t as easy as it used to be. However the explosion of social media and content marketing is providing businesses with a host of opportunities to amplify their stories to a much wider audience. Here are a few examples of how you can wring the most from those well-crafted words you have so painstakingly put together for the media. Post your media release to your website once it has been distributed. Create an online media or press-room where you can archive all your releases. Journalists exploring your site will be >>

205, 2016

Stories the media simply can’t ignore

By |May 2, 2016|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Stories the media simply can’t ignore

Former BBC journalist and now media training expert, Pete Walter, has five golden rules about how to get media interested in your story. When pitching to journalists he says it is important you frame your story around as many of the following T.R.U.T.H elements as possible: T is for Topical These include unplanned or unexpected events - such as a disease outbreak, a controversy or scandal - or planned events such as looming elections, the federal budget or financial year-end. You can use these events to your advantage. Because everyone’s talking about the same thing, the media are always >>

1804, 2016

There’s no overnight media success; it’s a process

By |April 18, 2016|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on There’s no overnight media success; it’s a process

What prompted this blog was a meeting with a potential new client who demanded to know if on his first media outing he could be guaranteed coverage in multiple publications and better still, the opportunity to appear on the front page of a premium business publication. Neither, I answered as politely as possible. Right now you and your business are invisible to the media – journalists are not aware of you and your business and if they are, they have no idea the information you are about to provide them with is credible and correct. Basically they don’t yet know >>

2602, 2016

How to liaise effectively with the media – more great tips on getting it right.

By |February 26, 2016|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on How to liaise effectively with the media – more great tips on getting it right.

Effective media liaison and management requires a good mix of research, common sense and at times  ... a very thick skin. Know your ‘media audience’. Take the time to research the media you are liaising with by checking out their most recent articles. What are the subjects they are interested in and like writing about?  What is their writing style - is it formal or relaxed? Try where possible to match the style of your media release or article with their writing style.  Also take the time to research the issues they regularly cover. Nothing irritates a journalist more than >>

912, 2014

And don’t forget to promote your eBook

By |December 9, 2014|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on And don’t forget to promote your eBook

You’ve written your eBook. Your graphic designer has given it a sensational layout and cover. You’ve decided you’d like it to generate income for you and have created a shopping cart and uploaded it to your website. But don’t think you can now sit back and expect the world to miraculously stumble upon your book. You need to actively reel in potential buyers, bring them to your site and make a sale. So how exactly do you do this? Get your digital ducks in a row. Before you start promoting your book, make sure that you have a blog, plus >>

1911, 2014

The nitty gritty of writing your eBook

By |November 19, 2014|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on The nitty gritty of writing your eBook

You now know why you’re writing your eBook, what it’ll be about and who will read it. You’ve also made the big decision to pen the piece yourself. Here are a few tricks of the trade that will help you get writing: Write for your target audience. It is critical you tailor your content to suit your readers. This means including information they’d be interested in, writing to their level of knowledge on the topic and answering questions they would typically ask. Remember, specific is terrific! Use existing content where appropriate. If your business has a blog, whitepaper or articles, >>

2210, 2014

Questions you should be asking yourself before writing an eBook?

By |October 22, 2014|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Questions you should be asking yourself before writing an eBook?

Okay, so you’re convinced you should write an eBook and that it’ll be good for business. However, before putting pen to paper, you need to be asking yourself a few very pertinent questions. Why am I writing the book? Is it to simply showcase your expertise, generate leads, create a new source of income or provide readers with their very own guide or ‘how-to’ document. Be clear what is it is as this will drive the process. What should it be about? It absolutely should not be about your service or product – that’s the realm of marketing. Ideally it >>

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